Cards - Right Rail

Cards on a Right Rail


Right-side rail cards that can be link buttons.

On-page Example

To preview a live example of the component or inspect the code, click the link below

Cards - Right Rail Example 

Component Specifications

Item/Field Description Required/Optional
Card Link: Entire card area is clickable
Number: No limit
Display: Up to three cards in a row, fewer cards will
Card – Title Field type: Single line text
Text: Styled text
Character Recommendation: 10
Wrapping: Single line
Card - Subtitle Field type: Single line text
Text: Styled text
Character Recommendation: 20
Wrapping: Single line
Card – Description Field type: Single line text
Text: Paragraph
Character Recommendation: 90
  Wrapping: Wrap to four lines  
Card – Link Text Field type: Single line text
Text: Styled text
Character Recommendation: 15
Wrapping: Single line
Hover: Underline scrolls right
Card – Destination Field type: Link field  Optional
Mobile Response Text area on top and the cards will stack vertically
below with a small white space area between cards
and between content and cards
Page Placement Right Column, next to main content NA
Accessibility Linked cards are included in tab through and active
state will duplicate the hover state. Tab through will
advance through the cards from left to right. 

When to Use

When you want cards to appear on the ride side of your content.

These cards are a great alternative to call out text or as a CTA.

When to Consider Something Else

If you don't have much content, these cards could create undesirable empty space beneath that content.

How to Use

Requires left-side content to exist in order to appear on the page. Be careful to have enough content at all widths for the cards to remain visible.