Title Tool Block


This content type allows you to add a link to each card with an icon or small image, a title, and some descriptive text. At least 3 containers should be added to this content type with the maximum being 5.

On-page Example

To preview a live example of the component or inspect the code, click the link below

Title-Tool Block Example 

Component Specifications

Item/Field Description Required/Optional
Image Field Type: Media upload/select field
Aspect Ratio: 2.6:1
Optimal Image Dimensions: 1920x748
Title Field type: Single line text
Text: H1 Heading
Character Recommendation: 30
Wrapping: Single line
Description Field type: Multi-line
Text: Paragraph
Character Recommendation: 250
Wrapping: Wrap to two lines
Card Link: Entire card area is clickable
Hover: Card background become solid white and
card is outlined
Number: Up to 5 cards may be added, cards will
At least 3 Required
Card – Icon/Image  Field Type: Media upload/select field
Aspect Ratio: 1:1
Optimal Image Dimensions: 110x110
Optional – must be
consistent on all
Card – Title Field type: Single line text
Text: Styled text
Character Recommendation: 10
Card – Description Field type: Single line text
Text: Paragraph
Character Recommendation: 54 characters
Wrapping: Wrap to three lines
Optional – must be
consistent on all
Card – Destination Field type: Link field Required
Mobile Response Stack the cards with icon, title and description as full
width buttons.
Page Placement Will always display at the top of the page NA
Creation Created as an on-page element NA
Accessibility Cards are included in tab through and active state
will duplicate the hover state. Tab through will
advance through the cards from left to right. 
Use Cases Audience Hub NA

When to Use

Use when you would like to immediately direct the user to some important links.

When to Consider Something Else

If you do not want an element to display multiple links as another form of navigation, and you would rather display singularly focused or featured content with more text, this content may not prove useful to you.

How to Use

Upload an image or icon, add a title, and add a description for each card.

Accessibility Tips

Cards are included in tab through and active state will duplicate the hover state. Tab through will advance through the cards from left to right.