Tech Fair 2024

Header image advertising the 2024 Tech Fair

The 2024 Tech Fair will be held from 10 am to 1 pm on Wednesday, Feb. 28th. This year’s experiential Tech Fair will focus on helping students utilize AI and online tools to get to the next level.

UFIT Web Services will participate in the tech fair and create "how-to's" for making an ePortfolio, and how to use Bing Copilot to enhance it. Students interested in creating an ePortfolio can access Web Services' 2024 Tech Fair Digital Flyer, follow the path below, or make an appointment before the day of the event.

What is an ePortfolio?

ePortfolios are professional websites that showcase skills and experiences with diverse examples and reflective writing for a specific audience, such as potential employers or graduate schools. We recommend choosing one of three intuitive paths: GitHub, Google Sites, or WordPress. 


GitHub is a collaborative development platform that helps companies and individuals manage and track their code. GitHub uses Git, a version control system that allows users to contribute to remotely archived software projects. GitHub offers a service called GitHub Pages, which allows users to host their websites for free from a repository.

Google Sites

Google Sites has a portfolio template for students to easily set up and publish a website showcasing their projects and powerpoints. Students can use their own Google accounts or the one they have set up through their GatorLink.


A WordPress Logo

WordPress is a popular content management system that provides themes, page templates, and plugins that extend your website’s features and functionality. This platform can meet your website needs in virtually any capacity, and can be used by non-developers as well as beginner and advanced developers.

ePortfolio Don'ts

  • Don’t use stock images. Use relevant original images.
  • Don’t hide your failures. Show and share what you learn. Show that you are open to learning.
  • Don’t expect readers to stay long.
  • Don’t hog all the credit- Do include references.

ePortfolio Dos

  • Do put the detail/break down your process.
  • Do share photos and sketches of your process.
  • Do keep it up to date, Do retire old work.
  • Do seek feedback.
  • Do tag your skills. Explain which skill you are using in the project.
  • Do put a downloadable resume.