Alert Banner


A black alert banner that displays urgent and relevant information above the navigation at the very top of the website. 

The activation of the Alert Banner on the UFL homepage is coordinated by the Office of Strategic Communications and Marketing, the Department of Emergency Management and/or the University of Florida Police Department.

Users who adopt the Mercury Theme may use the Alert Banner on their websites only for messages issued through the UF Alert Emergency Notification System or emergency information affecting the operations of the institution and/or a specific campus or UF property, such as a natural disaster or a safety-related emergency.

The Alert Banner should be deactivated within 24 hours of the last update to ensure the campus community has access to the latest information.

The banner’s language should:

1) Mirror emergency messaging on the UFL homepage;

2) Be updated as frequently as new updates are posted on the UFL homepage;

3) Use the first tab to redirect users back to the UFL homepage for emergency information.

Subsequent tabs can provide links to additional messaging addressing the incident’s impact on a particular unit or campus, such as:

1) A looming natural disaster expected to affect the operations of a UF location outside of Gainesville, such as The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation & Technology or the UF/IFAS Tropical Research and Education Center.

2) A safety-related emergency that requires the evacuation or closing of a campus or unit, such as a bomb threat or a mass casualty incident.

To ensure the dissemination of accurate, consistent, and timely information in an emergency, all units must obtain prior approval from the Vice President of Communications in the Office of Strategic Communications and Marketing before issuing any additional emergency messaging relating to an ongoing incident.

Any messaging involving a law enforcement-related incident must be approved by the Chief of Police of the University of Florida Police Department.

SCM Contact: Brittany Wise: 850-323-0353

UFPD Contact: Capt. Latrell Simmons: 352-494-5204

On-page Example

To preview a live example of the component or inspect the code, click the link below

Alert Banner in page example 

Component Specifications


Item/Field Description Required/Optional
Heading Field type: Single line text
Text: Styled text
Character Recommendation: 45
Wrapping: Single line 
Description Field type: Multi line text field, linking available
Text: Paragraph
Character Recommendation: 300-500 characters
Wrapping: Wrap as needed
Hover: Inline links will change to gold 
Button Text
Field type: Button field
Character Recommendation: NA
Wrapping: Single line
Number: Up to three
Hover: : Underline will scroll to the right and change to
Appearance The alert banner can be toggled on/off to display above
the global navigation area on the homepage, select pages
or all pages.
Accessibility Link, buttons, and close will be included in tab through  NA

When to Use

This component should be used to display details about an emergency alert advisory.  

When to Consider Something Else

Do not use this component if you want to just include information about an upcoming event or any other occurrence that is not an emergency. 

How to Use

Type a brief, specific paragraph that includes all of the most important facts about the upcoming emergency like a storm or on-campus threat. Also include two links beneath the short paragraph; one for student resources and another for faculty and staff. 

In t4: The piece of content must be placed into a section named Alerts and that section must be an immediate child of the site's root section (usually the section with the name of the site.)

Accessibility Tips

Please make sure to not add any other alterations or styling to the text displayed in this component to ensure that screen-readers will understand the text, and that the text will be visible against a dark background. 


Calls to Action