Featured Cards


Group of two or three cards with image, title, description, and link. Each card is clickable.

On-page Example

To preview a live example of the component or inspect the code, click the link below

Featured Cards Example 

Component Specifications

Items/Field Description Required/Optional
Background Animation: Background rules, fade in from up and
down to move flush with images, from 0% opacity to
100% opacity
Card Link: Entire card area is clickable
Hover: Line under button shrinks
Number: 2-3 cards
Populated: Manually
Card - Image Field Type: Media upload/select field
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Optimal Image Dimensions: 510x383
Card - Title Field type: Single line text
Text: Paragraph
Character Recommendation: 40
Wrapping: Wrap to two lines
Card - Text Field type: Single line text
Text: Paragraph
Character Recommendation: 120
Wrapping: Wrap to two lines
Card - Button Field type: Single line text
Text: Styled text 

Card Button Label

Card Button

Character Recommendation: 25
Wrapping: Single line
Link: Link to associated article page
Hover: Button rule slides over, image swells within
Mobile Response The first card fully displays on page load, user can
see carousel of other cards and may swipe to view
additional cards
Page Placement Full Width NA
Accessibility Cards are included in tab through and active state
will duplicate the hover state. Tab through will
advance through the cards from left to right.
Use Cases  Homepage NA

When to Use

  • Best used when there are two or three featured items to display that link out to different pages

When to Consider Something Else

  • When there are more or less than two or three items to be featured
  • When there is no link for a card, since link button is required
  • When there is no image for a card, since image is required

How to Use

For each card, select an image and enter a button label and link. Optional: add a title or text to each item.

Accessibility Tips

Cards are included in tab through from left to right. Active state will duplicate the hover state.

Commonly Used



News Content