Our Team

Kimbley Standifer
Associate Director, Center for Instructional Technology and Training
Kim manages Web and Training Services. She has experience as a Network Administrator and College Administrator. Kim has over 20 years of teaching College Computing at Santa Fe College. She also holds a BS from Florida State University, M.Ed., and Ed.S. from the University of Florida.
“Life is not a destination, it’s a journey.”

Darius Rodriguez
Web Developer
Darius is a Miami native triple-gator with degrees in Mathematics and Tax Law. When free, he can be found either gaming or studying some new unrelated subject matter.
"Only the mediocre are always at their best." — Jean Giraudoux

Danny Aguilar
Web Designer
Danny Aguilar is a Miami native who got his degree in Graphic Design from the University of Florida. Outside of work, he enjoys a myriad of things mostly involving computers and coffee.
“Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising.” — Mark Twain

Jerel Layog
Web Developer
Jerel is a UF graduate with a passion and drive for web development and design. Often describes himself as a 'Jack of All Trades, and master of some', he can be found composing music, practicing archery, or discovering new random hobbies.
"The cure to boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity." — Dorothy Parker

Qianqian Zhao
Web Developer
Qianqian is a Gainesville native who went to school in New England and California, where she studied information technologies. Outside of work, she enjoys reading and martial arts.
"Don't try to be like Jackie. There is only one Jackie. Study computers instead." — Jackie Chan

Toni-Lee Maitland
Web Developer
Even though Toni-Lee now works in the technology field as a web developer, she holds 5 years of prior experience in K-12 education. As a UF alumna who was born and raised in South Florida, Toni-Lee also enjoys being in nature, going to concerts, and researching various topics of interest on the Internet.
"Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose." - Zora Neale Hurston

Paul Muszynski
Web Developer
Paul Muszynski is a Gainesville native with an Astronomy degree from UF. He has a passion for learning and interests that include music, health, science, and gaming.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Derek Marchese
Web Developer
Derek's career began in the hospitality industry, where he trained as a chef for over a decade in some of South Florida's and New York City's most prestigious hotels. Eager to learn more and discover new skills, Derek transitioned to web development. When not cooking and coding, you can find Derek volunteering, cultivating his garden, or unwinding with a good video game.
"I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life." - F. Scott Fitzgerald

Santiago Carpio
Web Developer
Santiago was raised in Southwest Florida and is a UF graduate with a degree in Digital Arts and Sciences. Santiago is passionate about serving with his local church and enjoys reading, playing music, longboarding, and playing games and sports with friends.
"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" — Micah 6:8

Carol Sung
Web Designer
Carol is a New York native who graduated as the valedictorian of Farmingdale State College's Spring 2023 class with a B.S. degree in Interaction Design. She has gained various design experiences with organizations such as Fordham University, Taste of the NFL, and many more. Outside of work, she enjoys drawing, dancing, and streaming video games.
"Always remember to give things a shot because you never know how far you will go!"
Khary Khalfani
Graphic Designer
Khary Khalfani is a Gainesville native and University of Florida graduate with a degree in Graphic Design. He enjoys involvement in Gainesville’s vibrant artistic community and plays an active role in the creation of a brighter future for the city’s cultural expansion.