Homepage Hero

This content type is used in the _site-config section to set up some basic options for the site including site title, Google Analytics, etc.

  1. Name
    • Name is a required field in T4 and is not used other than for reference with this content type.
  2. Stat Section
    • The section to retrieve stats from. Stats are retrieved based on flyout direction.
  3. Bottom Stat Direction
    • Enter the flyout direction for the bottom stat. This is mainly used to pull the stat from the Stat Section.
  4. Top Stat Direction
    • Enter the flyout direction for the top stat. This is mainly used to pull the stat from the Stat Section.
  5. Randomize Stats
    • Check this box if you have set up the Stats section on the General Configuration content type and have a section with Stat content types and a Build JSON File content type.
  6. Article Section
    • Select the section to retrieve articles from for the primary featured and secondary areas.
  7. Article 1 Location
    • The first article location. This should be 1.
  8. Article 2 Location
    • The second article location. This should be 2.
  9. Article 3 Location
    • The third article location. This should be 3.
  10. Article 4 Location
    • The fourth article location. This should be 4.
  11. Featured Checkbox
    • Retrieves articles checked to be shown in the primary area at the top. This should be checked as this is not a user settable option.
