
Congrats on having your site set up in TERMINALFOUR! There are a few items that need to be done to get your site working properly. In your site structure you will see an archived section called _site-config. In this section there are several pieces of content that need to be updated with your site's information and then approved. Please follow the list below to get your site ready for content addition and publishing.

General Configuration

This piece of content controls your site name, Google Analytics, site root section, stats and biographies sections for randomized content pieces, and your site logo. Please update the following elements as they are required for site to function properly.

The following items are not required but are useful for certain features.

  • Google Analytics - Enter your Google Analytics ID (format UA-xxxxxxx-x) here to enable tracking. 
  • Stats Section - Select the section that contains the Stat content pieces and a Build JSON File content piece to enable randomized stat breakers.
  • Biographies Section - Select the section that contains the Biography content pieces and a Build JSON File content piece to enable randomized bio scrolls.

Learn more about general configuration

Auxiliary Navigation

This piece of content controls the dark orange bar at the top of the page header. While this piece of content is not strictly necessary for the site to function properly it is recommended to be approved as-is if no changes are desired. If you would like to customize these links for your site please note the following about each element.

  • The Links element controls the visible links across the top. If you add too many links to this section they will overflow the container. It is recommended to stick to short words and limit the number of links to no more than the default seven.
  • The Audience Link Title and Audience Links can be safely removed if not needed. However if you would like to use this functionality you will need to have both an Audience Link Title and Audience Links filled in. This feature will remember the user's dropdown choice via a cookie set through JavaScript.

Learn more about auxiliary navigation

Social Media

This piece of content controls the social media links that are placed in the footer. While this piece of content is not strictly necessary for the site to function properly it is recommended to be approved as-is if no changes are desired. If you would like to customize these links you can also safely remove the current link for any element and that social media icon will not appear.

Learn more about social media links

Footer Top Links

This piece of content controls the four links in the blue bar directly above the footer. While this piece of content is not strictly necessary for the site to function properly it is recommended to be approved as-is if no changes are desired. If you would like to customize these links please keep in mind that the widths are fixed and if there are not four sets of Titles and URLs then they will not expand to fill the allotted space.

Learn more about footer top links

Footer Column Links

This piece of content controls the links in the three columns in the footer of the page. While this piece of content is not strictly necessary for the site to function properly it is recommended to be approved as-is if no changes are desired. 

Learn more about footer column links

Custom Site Code

This piece of content is used to add custom CSS, JS, and inline code onto each page of the template. This piece of content is not needed for the site to function but is a handy way to quickly add CSS and JS to your site. Please note the following about each element.

  • CSS File - Upload a CSS file to your site's category in the Media Library and link it here to be included after the main CSS for the site.
  • JS File - Upload a JS file to your site's category in the Media Library and link it here to be included after the main JS for the site. Any custom JS functions should be added here as they will execute after jQuery and other functions have loaded on the page.
  • Code - If you are using Google Analytics this content piece has some handy tracking code to allow Google Analytics to track events on your page such as downloads and outbound links. You can also add inline style and script tags here.

Learn more about custom site code


By default there is no navigation added to this section as there are two choices when it comes to navigation, an automatic navigation built based upon your site structure and a manual navigation that you must build and maintain.

Automatic Navigation

If you wish to use the automatic navigation based upon your site's structure simply add and approve a new piece of content of the content type Main Navigation - Automatic.

Manual Navigation

If you wish to manually create your navigation you will need to add a piece of content for each main item and dropdown. Select from the following content types to build out your navigation.