Getting Started with T4

Step 1: Add your site to TerminalFOUR

Submit the request to add a TerminalFOUR Site. This request can only be submitted by the Primary Web Coordinator (PDF | 121KB) (PWC) for your Department.

Step 2: Complete TerminalFOUR Training

Enroll in one of the required TERMINALFOUR Training Courses. Successful completion is mandatory.




Completion Time


Contributor and Moderator (non-technical)


Knowledge of basic file structure

Administrative support staff, content editors, approvers, Contributors & Moderators

45 min. (Lectures and Quizzes)


Web Developer (Technical)


UF_ITT321_CUR t4 End User or UF_ITT420_OLT

Advanced knowledge of file structure, HTML, Web Design, and traditional web publishing

Primary Web Coordinators, Webmasters, Developers, Technical Project Managers, Power Users

2.5 hours (Lectures and Quizzes)


Step 3: Acquire ARS Role

TerminalFOUR roles affect what you are able to modify on your department’s website. Access Request Security (ARS) Roles are used to determine security clearances and must be obtained before gaining a T4 role. There are corresponding ARS roles for each T4 role (PDF | 59KB). To acquire an ARS role, you must make a request to your Department’s Security Approver (PDF | 37KB) .(DSA)

Step 4: Add user to TerminalFOUR

Fill out the TERMINALFOUR Add User form for each user being added to the system. When new users are added to the system, they will receive a T4 role (see above) corresponding to their ARS role.

Include in the request any groups the user needs to be a member of. Groups are used to give access to sites. An example would be if you needed access to you would request access to the group in the form.


Things to Note: